Survival Mode Sucks!

What if you are in "survival mode" but you don't even realize it?   What if every day you are hunkering down, playing it safe, and planning for the next "shoe to drop" when what your spirit is longing for is the "vastness of the sea"?   What if this goes on for too long and you never realize it?  What will this do to your relationships, your business, your career or your health?  Dear friends, we were made for an Epic life experience and the proof is in the pudding… We long for music, moments, scenes, movies and even speeches that rouse the deepest parts of our souls.  The dreams we had as children were not just dreams… they were the most uncorrupted part of our future life plan… a plan filled with mission, meaning, desire, joy and eternity.  So now what?  Ground zero is Identity…  Let's get back in touch with the WHO.  Who?   Yes…. YOU.  When you develop radical clarity on the most powerful, precious, courageous, and inspired parts of your soul you can then chart a new course.  You will have a matrix to make decisions through as apposed to just responding and blowing in the wind.  We don't need to "course correct" to a WHAT… We need to get back to our WHO...  YOU.   Self-Trust is the basis for a beautiful life.  If you, your team, your family or children are stuck…. Don't waste time.  Your life is too precious.  Dr. Andy Garrett has helped me so much in this area. Check out -

David Ask