"Nashville Vocalist’s Invention goes Viral!  Now available in over 3000 retail stores and more.”

David Ask moved to Nashville, TN from Minnesota in 1994 to write and record music.  Many have said that, “When David sings, you don’t just hear his voice, you feel it.”  His music has been heard all over the world and David has shared the stage with some of the most famous people on earth.  

In addition to recording and performing, David is an inventor and business person with a product in over 3,000 retail stores including The Home Depot and Lowe’s.  David is a creative person at heart and keeps chasing ideas that can help others. 

David often performs with fellow Nashville recording artist, Karin Simmons.  www.karinsimmons.com  Simmons is a marvelous pianist, songwriter and vocalist as well. Simmons recently signed with WieRock Entertainment as a song-writer.  Both have shared the stage together on some very exclusive stages.

Recently Simmons and Ask wrote and recorded the first ever StatGuardPlus Music Video that has been viewed by thousands.  We all know about partner and family “thermostat wars” and this hilarious video hits all the marks!

The StatGuardPlus Music Video was born out of a desire to use humor and his voice to promote his invention. 
Contact:  hello@davidask.com or call 615-519-7393