Your HVAC System and COVID-19

By John Boghos
StatguardPlus Staff Writer


What a strange and unprecedented time it has been for our country and our world! The impact of COVID-19 (the novel corona virus) has been felt in our workplaces, in the places we do our personal business, and it has changed the way we are living our lives today. This time of adjustment has been felt across all business verticals and industries. Some companies are closing their doors either temporarily or permanently, severely reducing their staff and services, or distributing their employees to work from home. However, organizations classified to be part of the Essential Critical Infrastructure (according to the Department of Homeland Security), have remained open.


We are all concerned with spreading this new and unique strain of virus. People are wearing protective masks, gloves, and other protective gear; essential workers are still going into their places of work and engaging with others, and everyone has become aware of “social distancing”. Still, according to Harvard Business Review, “Millions of Americans…want to return to work.” We couldn’t agree more. There have been recent stories that suggest we may be able to return to our places of employment beginning May 1st. We look forward to breaking this isolation.


When workers return, they may have questions about the safety of the workplace and if the HVAC system would harbor and transmit this virus. According to the Science and Technology Division of the Department of Homeland Security, most transmission of this virus is through surface contact (as noted in this guide). Facilities managers are taking action to prepare buildings to allow for a safe return of occupants. Building Services provider A.G. Coombs states, “The risk of a well-maintained HVAC system in a modern commercial building causing transmission of the COVID-19 are understood to be low.” In their article on the A. G. Coombs website, they list recommended responses to minimize risk including performing regular preventative maintenance.


We are all concerned for the health of our country and of our global community and been directly impacted with the realities and anxiety the response to the virus has presented. We are grateful for those providing solid facts and science surrounding the impacts of COVID-19. Facilities managers have an important role in minimizing risk and providing assurance to the returning workforce.


We are a strong people and united. Amid the tragic stories caused by this virus, we’ve heard of individuals and groups coming together to support family, friends, co-workers, and their communities.  We will find our way back to a “normal” life, and we will be stronger for how we have responded together. Truth, logic, and knowledge are more powerful than fear. When we all return to our places of employment and out of isolation, we can enter them with the comfort of knowing we can “breathe easy” - -  that our facility managers have prepared our buildings for a safe return.

We at StatGuardPlus welcome this return to work. COVID-19 is not as strong as our resilience. We are here to support those protecting our workers and their work places. Let’s schedule time to connect (with appropriate social distancing). We’d love to listen to you and hear your stories about the response to this virus, contact us today.

Stay safe.