The IoT and the StatGuardPlus Partnership

By John Boghos
StatguardPlus Staff Writer

 In part one of this two-part Internet of Things (IoT) series called “Smart HVAC Systems and The Internet of Things”, we introduced the concept of how the IoT is impacting all of us in the products we use, and in our day-to-day lives. In part two we discuss the ways in which the StatGuardPlus products have a potential to positively affect those things as well.

The first devices to be connected through the internet were computers. Technology has been added to many “ordinary” devices. In 1990 John Romkey connected a toaster to allow him to turn it on and off through the internet. Home security systems like Ring and Nest allow you to monitor your residence using your smart-phone. “Smart” is the key – smart systems and devices can be connected securely through the internet to allow control and share important data remotely.

Critical systems can communicate to provide communication and control. We were speaking with a process engineer in a manufacturing plant. The process uses specialized adhesives which require refrigerated storage within a specific temperature range. If the temperature in the refrigerator is too high or too low the expensive glue will spoil. These units have smart controls that are connected to the internet. The refrigerators will notify the plant maintenance technicians if the temperature deviates from the specifications.

In the same vein, other IoT-based products such light sensors that auto-adjust the lighting, air purifying systems cycle on and off based on the in-air conditions, and HVAC thermostats which adjust the temperature based on in-room sensors are excellent examples of how our facilities teams optimize facility operations and energy usage. The University of South Carolina’s, Eric Lindberg, wrote a fascinating article about smart buildings (“Smart Buildings That Keep Us Comfy and Content Might Happen Sooner Than You Think”)

Beyond improving the atmosphere of offices and homes, smart building technology could benefit people in other places like hospitals and schools.”

Just like the protection we deploy to other things we invest in, smart controls need to be shielded from potential harm. StatGuardPlus is a simple solution to protect these complex systems. We offer a clear thermostat cover which will not interfere with temperature monitors analyzing the room conditions and occupancy.

 Retail and wholesale purchasing options are available. Let’s schedule time to connect and see how your IoT system can be protected. Connect with us here:

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