The Continuing Champion

by John Boghos, Chorum Global Staff Writer


You and your team of professionals manage complex systems and must maintain them. In relation to that, you must also consider the sustainability of energy conversation efforts. Take a moment and think about how involved your technicians are in not only the upkeep of your HVAC systems, but also in the sustainability of your specific energy conservation efforts. In an interesting article published by, authors Varun Kahli and John Rozeluk, stated in “FM's Role in Sustainable HVAC Planning”, that for a building’s HVAC Planning to remain sustainably designed, the Facilities Management team must function in the role of the “continuing champion”. When likened to anything where there is a support side of a product, this viewpoint makes a lot of sense.


As a software support specialist goes through his or her troubleshooting processes, the best agents are those who are involved with the product development side as well. Knowing how the product was built, why it was designed in a certain way, positively impacts the proficiency of the support person’s skills. The same can be said about the company culture at perhaps, Home Depot. Supporting and enforcing company culture, become so much easier for the employees, if they are actively empowered as architects of their corporate livelihood.


Facilities Managers and their teams are critical to the HVAC design and support process. And the StatGuardPlus has the features, to not only assist, but also to help promote energy conservation. With a keyless access point, and sleek design, the StatGuardPlus thermostat cover, is a very tangible way to effortlessly bring some control to your bottom line. For more information, please contact us today.

David Ask