Mastermind - Iron Sharpens Iron

Over a year ago I joined a “mastermind" group. What is a mastermind group? At their core they are similar in many ways in that the goal is to pool wisdom, hold one another accountable for the goals that each member sets for themselves and inspire each other to keep going “when the going gets tough.” The one I’m apart of also incorporates speakers (thought leaders in particular areas) as well as those who are bit further down the road in leadership. A mastermind group is not for the faint of heart… you will be called to authenticity and you will only get from the group as much as you are willing to be vulnerable. So many people try to go it alone and they burn out for many reasons. They “don’t know what they don’t know” and they lose perspective on a weekly basis thus spinning their wheels in areas that don’t bare fruit. We address both personal and professional areas because no one is truly a success if only successful in one area. I wouldn’t be where I am today without my mastermind. Thank you Aaron Walker for starting ISI -

David Ask
Owner -Chorum Global LLC

David Ask