A few thoughts on Flow State
Two years ago I went through Dr. Andy Garrett’s program called the True North Blueprint. It allows you to get radical clarity on who you are and what your purpose is. The course is amazingly thorough in it’s approach to Identity and Authenticity… words are often mis-understood. The word Authenticity comes from the word “Author”… What has been “authored” in you? When you were created, what are the traits you were given physically, mentally and spiritually? (How are you different from your sibling or friend?). All of us who have children see very clearly that they are quite different, right from birth. Everything from our tastebuds to our likes and dislikes… When you dial in on the character qualities that you hold at the highest level you begin to “Identify” those things that are most powerful and precious to you… Those things that you hold as your deepest convictions and the lens at which you make your best decisions through. OK… so a bit of a pivot as that is a much longer discussion…. How does understanding your identity and truest authentic place help you to find Flow State? In simple terms, if you don’t know the bedrock of YOU, you will never find flow state…. Take a look below at some of the characteristics of Flow State (or the Zone).
Items to consider when thinking about how your emotions and intellect react when you are in Flow State:
Complete concentration on the task seems easy
Clarity of goals, reward in mind and immediate feedback
Transformation of time (speeding up / slowing down)
Intrinsically rewarding experience
Feeling so engaged with your task that it feels almost effortless
A balance between challenge and skills
Merged actions and awareness; no self-conscious rumination (dwelling)
A feeling of control over the task
It is amazing when we tie our truest authenticity to our tasks at how our energy rises. Our joy rises. Our courage rises and our sense of fulfillment rises. When we match our authentic nature, our strengths and our sense of mission to a particular task… we hit flow state. I would encourage you to reach out to Dr. Andy Garrett if you haven’t found this place. You may have the “markers of success” but not feel like one at all.
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